Academia Library
South Africa
The Al-Ikhlaas Academia Library and Resource Centre is a site for intellectual stimulation; where knowledge and technology intersect to create a social space that fosters creativity and learning. Nestled inside the Academia complex at Islamia College in Lansdowne, Cape Town, the facility is strategically located and easily accessible by surrounding schools and academic institutions. Situated on Imam Haron Road, it is on the main public transport route, catering to the needs of the general public.
Throughout its’ existence, Islamic Library situated in Gatesville, has endeavoured to play an integral role in the academic and spiritual development of its patrons. Islamic library was established in September 1987 in Primrose Park as a response to an acute need in the community for access to Islamic literature.
The library has nurtured a long and involved relationship with the community and has come to be respected as an institution that embraces universal values of tolerance, equality and democracy.
With 25 years of library management experience, Islamic Library is poised to enter a new era of academic scholarship and technological innovation.
The new state-of-the-art facility will cater to people of all religious and cultural persuasions. Literacy is the cornerstone of nation building and in this regard, the library hopes to assist in addressing some of the challenges experienced by the youth, so that future generations may benefit for decades to come.
The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every muslim"
AL Tirmidhi