Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world with poverty affecting the population in both rural and urban areas. …
During 2021, Afghanistan entered a humanitarian crisis as over 90% of the population faced starvation. The need for food is critical, as children and the elderly die from hunger.
The child mortality rate is particularly high in Afghanistan and, according to international records, life expectancy at birth is considered to be the lowest.
Statistics show that 35% of newborns are underweight. Even today, 87% of deliveries take place in the pregnant mother’s home and usually with no proper medical assistance.
In addition, approximately 70% of the population does not have access to drinking water, which results in many health problems, especially among the younger children.
In Afghanistan, children are expected to work in order to provide for themselves and for their family.
Street vendors, water carriers, cardboard collectors, shoe polishers, taxi solicitors, domestic servants, assistants in boutiques, are the kind of odd jobs done by Afghan children.
The child plays an important economic role in the Afghan family structure, mainly because the little money earned by their parents is hardly enough to feed the hungry mouths in the family. Families rely upon the economic contribution of the child, even if it means the child is left begging on the streets.
How you can help

Assist displaced families monthly
R1 500
“Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.”