Account Name: Africa Muslims Agency
Bank Name: Standard Bank
Account Number: 061565253
Branch Code: 051001
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ

PROJECTS (eg Waterwell, Masjid, etc)

Account Name: AMA Projects Account
Bank Name: Standard Bank
Account Number: 242017223
Branch Code: 005205
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Ref: Cell No and Waterwell / Borehole / Masjid


Tel: +27 11 834 8685    |   24 Hours: +27 83 251 9376



Account Name: Africa Muslims Agency
Bank Name: Standard Bank
Account Number: 061565253
Branch Code: 051001
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ

PROJECTS (eg Waterwell, Masjid, etc)

Account Name: AMA Projects Account
Bank Name: Standard Bank
Account Number: 242017223
Branch Code: 005205
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Ref: Cell No and Waterwell / Borehole / Masjid


Water Week: AMA launches campaign to bring water to 200 villages in Africa

This week, AMA is launching a campaign to supply 200 villages across Africa with water.

With over 1 in 3 people in Africa facing some form of water scarcity, and many young children being forced to miss out on school in order to walk for miles to get water, the need for clean water is urgent.

Often, the water sourced by these young children can carry disease, and with a lack of sanitation, this can be fatal for the entire community.

Due to a growing population, climate change and urbanisation, the situation in Africa is gradually worsening, with more people facing challenges in accessing clean and safe water.

To address the situation, AMA is launching a campaign to reach more villages in Africa, supplying them with clean water. The borehole or well will not only allow children to focus on their schooling, but will also allow parents to focus on securing a job to provide for their families rather than spend hours finding water.

Around Malawi and Mozambique, two countries where AMA has a strong presence, a water well becomes the centre of the community, keeping it thriving. Boreholes also allow locals to grow crops and support their families, having a positive knock on effect.

Whenever a well or borehole is opened, jubilant celebrations erupt, with locals expressing their gratitude for what is seen as a vital lifeline for them.

AMA has over a decade of experience in building boreholes and wells in Africa, working with local experts and staff to ensure it is built in an ethical, safe and sustainable way.

We have seen first hand the positive impact of boreholes. In Afghanistan, prior to the opening of boreholes, there was one child dying every day due to the drastically deteriorating humanitarian crisis and lack of safe water.

We are now determined to reach 200 villages by the end of the year, with any donations welcome, whether it’s the full amount that covers the cost of the well or just a portion.

After a borehole or well is opened, our teams send you photos and feedback about the project within seven months as well as its location, so if you would like to see it in person in the future, the opportunity is there.



2 Central Road
(Off Main Reef Road)
Tel: +27 11 834 8685


31 West Street
Houghton Estate
Tel: +27 100 722 262


Protea Centre – Next to Omar Farouk Masjid
Protea Avenue, Ext 8,
Tel: +27 11 852 2142


797 Jan Smuts Highway
(King Cetshwayo Highway)
Tel: +27 31 207 5676 


22 Belgravia Road
Belgravia Estate
Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 699 0545

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